A day in the life of Olivia Facini

A day in the life of Olivia Facini
English and French Major, Yale University
CUPA Spring 2017
On an average Tuesday, I start the day fairly early by listening to France-Inter on the radio while getting ready for school. I take my breakfast of toast and dried fruit on my walk to the metro, then pass the 30-minute ride by reading. Walking through the gate of the Sorbonne, I’m always struck by the grandeur of the architecture and smile, remembering, “I go here!” After a three-hour lecture in a large amphitheater, if it’s a nice day, I’ll bring my lunch out into the courtyard and work there until my next class. In the early evening, I may stay at school to work another couple hours, or head to a museum if it’s open late enough, or take a casual stroll through the city and gardens—I love Le Jardin du Luxembourg and Le Jardin des Plantes. At 19:30, I will usually eat dinner with my host mom and sister, who like to take their time to enjoy the meal and talk about our days, politics, movies—anything! At that time on other evenings, though, I may find myself at la Comédie Française or l’Opéra Garnier for an amazing CUPA spectacle or a play for my theater studies class at Paris-3. When I get back, I have plenty to talk about over FaceTime with my family, for whom it’s afternoon and a great time to catch up! I go to bed feeling happy and fulfilled—like I really experienced what Paris has to offer.