Academics and Advising
Aware of the differences between American and French academic institutions, both in terms of methodology and administration, CUPA serves as an important liaison between students and their professors in Paris. During every step of the academic process, from selecting courses to implementing a study project to obtaining final credit approval, CUPA works closely with students to ensure a rich intellectual experience that is in keeping with their home university’s requirements. Advising takes into account the student’s level of fluency, academic background, special interests, and strengths. Students generally take four courses per semester, each carrying a credit recommendation for a full semester.
Building a Curriculum
Eligibility and course options
Students must test at the B1 level or above to participate in the CUPA program. During the application process, students take a short French language placement test which allows us to determine their level of French according to the European official frame of reference and advise them in the development of their individualized curricula. Our French university partners require proof that students place at the B2 level (high intermediate) or higher in French. For students who test at the B1 level, CUPA offers at least 6 in-house classes each semester in order to satisfy a wide variety of liberal arts requirements.
Opportunities for students with a B1 level of French
In order to achieve a full immersion experience, all courses offered at the CUPA center are taught entirely in French by professors who hold a terminal degree in their field. These courses are geared specifically for American university students who are generally used to smaller classes with lively student-professor interaction and a supportive environment. CUPA professors are able to support each student as they navigate classes in an immersion environment.
Opportunities for students at or above a B2 level of French
Students who place into the B2 level or above are free to take a full load of CUPA in-house classes, a combination of in-house and Paris university classes (most popular option), or all classes at the Paris universities with which we have partnerships. These students design highly individualized study programs based on specific requirements and interests, including fields such as fine and performing arts, STEM, and economics.
Grades, Credits and Transcripts
Grades and Credits
Students generally take four courses per semester, each course carrying a credit recommendation for a full semester. Grades are recorded on students’ transcripts exactly as they appear on the evaluation forms completed by professors (French number grades or their conversion into equivalent letter grades). While CUPA assures that coursework is sufficient to justify the transfer of credits, each student is responsible for knowing the transfer policy of the home university.