A day in the life of Holly Dennis

A day in the life of Holly Dennis
Dramaturgy Major, Carnegie Mellon University
CUPA Fall 2014
A typical Monday in Paris for me usually starts with waking up just in time to head to my art history course at CUPA. I rush out the door and head to the metro, grabbing a copy of “Direct Matin” on the way to skim the headlines during my ride. After class, I always go down the street to my favorite boulangerie and order a “un sandwich jambon fromage et un pain au chocolat” (I think the women have memorized my order by now). I return to CUPA to eat and finish some work. Then, I enjoy a walk through the Jardin du Luxembourg on my way to Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle for my afternoon class. Depending on the day, my time after class is spent finding a new park, visiting a museum, or relaxing while watching Netflix (yes… even in Paris!). I usually eat dinner around 8:30 and enjoy the company of my host mother and sister. We discuss everything from feminism to cinema to Kim Kardashian. After dinner, I organize my things for the next day or plan the last-minute details for a trip that weekend to somewhere new in Europe. After video chatting with my family, it’s time to make a to-do list for the next day and eventually fall asleep, thinking about how much there still is to do with the little time I have left!